Starting in October 2023 we ran a series of 2-hour weekly workshops in Southborough Civic Centre, for 24 weeks designed to discover and develop individual creativity, run by professional theatre practitioners. The workshops were open to all adults (minimum age 18) regardless of skill or experience. The course was free, supported and funded by West Kent Mind but we asked that everyone who enrols commit to the twenty-four sessions as places, were limited in number. This was our introductory blurb:
“‘Creativity is the process of having original ideas that have value’ It differs from imagination, which is the ability to bring to mind things that aren't present to your senses. Creativity is putting your imagination to work. It’s not only related to the arts; it can be applied to all types of work, every task, or conversation.” When we were children we employed imagination to be creative in art and play without self-judgement, but by the time we reach adulthood, our education and life experiences have sapped our confidence to be creative in every area of life. This course aims to awaken our inborn creative selves, step back to childhood and try new things again with a sense of fun and discover new possibilities. By employing techniques of mindfulness and improvisation in different ways we can enhance our 'performance in life'. There will be exercises, games and activities to unlock our creative powers and build trust in our own unique imagination. Also, by working collaboratively with others, we will increase our imaginative capacity to confidently make creative choices that can be applied to writing, storytelling, improvising. Making and using masks and other creative processes.We will discuss your individual needs and expectations and attempt to meet and realise them. The programme is inclusive so that everyone can work at their own pace and rediscover that creative potential we were born with. I ran the course together with Maryjane (MJ) Stevens a member of Claqueur Impro. MJ is a director, actor, facilitator, and dramaturg who has worked in participative arts for more than 30 years. She runs Fabulous Projects, which takes bespoke drama projects to schools and community settings and is a facilitator with Moving Memory Dance Theatre. MJ has directed comedy shows at the Edinburgh Fringe for the past few years, and this year she'll be at the Gilded Balloon with Last Stand on Honey Hill, a musical comedy about harnessing the power of song to fight an enormous, private water company. We had a lovely group of people who learned very quickly about working collaboratively. At the last session we asked everyone to fill in an assessment form of the course, Simply printing the results is perhaps the best way of explaining the positive effect it had on people. Learning to Be Creative Feedback These were the benefits people said they experienced by joining in with this group: Learning new skills 8/8 100% Revisiting old skills 6/8 75% Learning from an experienced professional 8/8 100% The opportunity to take a six month course 6/8 75% Reducing feelings of anxiety 4/8 50% Reducing depression 5/8 63% Helping me express emotions 7/8 88% Helping me manage my mental health in a positive way 4/8 50% Helping me build social relationships 6/8 75% More confident to create social relationships 6/8 75% Reducing loneliness 5/8 63% A sense of achievement 8/8 100% Pushing myself outside my comfort zone 8/8 100% I am more comfortable with uncertainty 5/8 63% Makes me feel physically better 6/8 73% Helps with chronic pain 2/8 25% Improved self esteem 8/8 100% Feeling more optimistic about myself 8/8 100% Feeling more optimistic about my local community 7/8 88% Exercising my brain 8/8 100% Thought-provoking ideas/exploring social interaction 8/8 100% Thought-provoking ideas/exploring self-doubt,self-confidence 7/8 88% Having fun 7/8 88% Having a laugh 7/8 88% Being spontaneous 8/8 100% Pushing through fear of failure 8/8 100% Exploring working as a group 7/8 88% Personal Development 7/8 88% Other Benefits or Comments:
How did you feel/what did you expect when you first started LTBC
Did you try new things here? What was that like?
What have you enjoyed the most?
Do you feel you have gotten to know people in the group?
Have you found that learning/using creative skills is good for wellbeing
Would you recommend Creative Minds/WKM to others?
Is there anything else you would like to say about your experience here?