More Information of Aldgate Play Events at the Aldgate Community Events Website. Click below
ALDGATE IN CAMERA 1st August – 15th September 2017
Aldgate In Camera is a public exhibition of historical photographs displayed across the area, as close as possible to the point of view of the photographer; juxtaposing the East End’s past and present.
The images will be mounted on sites public and private: in shop windows, on business walls, on street furniture, fences and carriageways; illuminating Aldgate’s ever-changing landscape and providing a viewpoint into the fascinating history of one of London’s most diverse areas.
Over seventy historical images were sourced locally from London Metropolitan Archives, Bishopsgate Institute, Guildhall Library, Tower Hamlets Archives, organisations, businesses and individuals. The forty images included in Aldgate In Camera were selected by popular vote following an exhibition preview at the Artizan Street Library.
Explore the exhibition on location this summer. Take a walking tour with City Guides and community members, or discover Aldgate with our printed map, available across London.
Photographs from the area are included from the:
London Metropolitan Archives
Guildhall Library
Bishopsgate Institute
Tower Hamlets Archives
The images will be mounted on sites public and private: in shop windows, on business walls, on street furniture, fences and carriageways; illuminating Aldgate’s ever-changing landscape and providing a viewpoint into the fascinating history of one of London’s most diverse areas.
Over seventy historical images were sourced locally from London Metropolitan Archives, Bishopsgate Institute, Guildhall Library, Tower Hamlets Archives, organisations, businesses and individuals. The forty images included in Aldgate In Camera were selected by popular vote following an exhibition preview at the Artizan Street Library.
Explore the exhibition on location this summer. Take a walking tour with City Guides and community members, or discover Aldgate with our printed map, available across London.
Photographs from the area are included from the:
London Metropolitan Archives
Guildhall Library
Bishopsgate Institute
Tower Hamlets Archives

Exhibitions in a Suitcase. It was inspired by the Liverpool Street Station statues of the Kindertransport children with their suitcases. Kindertransport was the informal name of a series of rescue efforts which brought thousands of refugee Jewish children to Great Britain from Nazi Germany between 1938 and 1940. The only concrete evidence of their their past lives were the objects in their suitcase, precious memories, of the families and friends they had lost or left behind. They are a symbol to of the migrants and immigrants who now make up the majority of Londoners.
The City has been built and thrived because of the people who have migrated here from other parts of Britain and across the world. The City has and remains dependent on the skills, talents and entrepreneurial spirit of the people who have moved here and made it their home. The city is defined by the multicultural and social mix. Everyone who as every chosen to come here shares a common heritage. Not many people who live and work and contribute to the City has to go back far in their family line to identify their migrant roots. The suitcase is a symbol of journeys, so whether your story is a journey here or life's journey you have a story to tell that's worthy of an exhibition.
So we want to invite you and help you to construct an exhibition of you or your family in a suitcase. Initially this may feel like an impossible task, but take a look at some of those already made in our gallery and above and it may not feel so daunting. You don't have to be an artist, or an experienced maker, we can offer you some design and making help, or it may simply be a series of gathered objects and photographs that tell your story.
We have already run a number of bespoke workshop including the London Metropolitan Archives, Canon Barnett and Christchurch Schools and the Wiltons Music Hall. Further workshops are be organised for Golden Lane Estate near the Barbican and we are happy to organise workshops for you, information about these and others you could attend visit the Aldgate Community Events website. We already have 50 suitcases to form a large exhibition to run in October and then again in April and May 2018 in parallel with the Aldgate community play. So contact us and talk to us about what you would like to do so we can even help you with ideas, all we need is you and your story.
The City has been built and thrived because of the people who have migrated here from other parts of Britain and across the world. The City has and remains dependent on the skills, talents and entrepreneurial spirit of the people who have moved here and made it their home. The city is defined by the multicultural and social mix. Everyone who as every chosen to come here shares a common heritage. Not many people who live and work and contribute to the City has to go back far in their family line to identify their migrant roots. The suitcase is a symbol of journeys, so whether your story is a journey here or life's journey you have a story to tell that's worthy of an exhibition.
So we want to invite you and help you to construct an exhibition of you or your family in a suitcase. Initially this may feel like an impossible task, but take a look at some of those already made in our gallery and above and it may not feel so daunting. You don't have to be an artist, or an experienced maker, we can offer you some design and making help, or it may simply be a series of gathered objects and photographs that tell your story.
We have already run a number of bespoke workshop including the London Metropolitan Archives, Canon Barnett and Christchurch Schools and the Wiltons Music Hall. Further workshops are be organised for Golden Lane Estate near the Barbican and we are happy to organise workshops for you, information about these and others you could attend visit the Aldgate Community Events website. We already have 50 suitcases to form a large exhibition to run in October and then again in April and May 2018 in parallel with the Aldgate community play. So contact us and talk to us about what you would like to do so we can even help you with ideas, all we need is you and your story.